Welcome to Terry and Larry's Garden Web Page

This web site showcases the activities which keep us busy around our Home

This site is a project constantly under development, which I work on, in my spare time. I update the site whenever I can find the time. Now that I have retired I'm hoping to keep it updated more than I have in the past. If you come across broken links please feel free to send me an email to advise where it is so I can fix it.

First and foremost our dogs keep us hopping. In the "doghouse" you will find photo albums of their lives and escapades.

Next to our dogs, our home is our passion. We $pend a great deal of time working on them no matter where we live. If it's not working in the "renovation zone" fixing the place up then it's on the other side of the "garden gate" getting our hands dirty in the soil.

Just when you think we couldn't possibly have any spare time to do much more, you will find me in the "workshop" puttering around with one project or another. I have a list of things I would like to work on some day. One day I just might get to that next woodworking project.

I just can't resist the seasonal section of any retail outlet when it comes to Halloween and Christmas, so why should I not include them here. Check out what goes on around our place during this time of the year.

Over the years we have been hit with some rather severe winter storms for the West Coast. We moved here to get away from them, but some how the Snow has found us.

Check the catch all area of "Special Interest" which brings to you a melting pot of all the odds and ends I like to share. You know, those photo's you down load from the digital camera and you say "Wow" what a great shot!" or so I think; as well you will also find the story of the Lost Bible. Last but not least You know you are from Thunder Bay when...

Enjoy your tour and feel free to send us your Feed Back, we would really like to hear from you.